Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 1 -- Getting Started

June 19, 2014

After kissing all our animals goodbye, we drove off into the sunset at about 8:15 pm.  We made our first stop at the Flying J in Wichita Falls, TX for a fill-up at 3.45 per gallon.  We topped off our propane tanks and grabbed a slice of pizza for a quick dinner. 

We tried to stop for the evening at a rest stop outside of Quanah, TX in Hardeman County.  Outside the beetles and bug population was vicious and there were plenty of warning signs about rattlesnakes.  However, the temperature was still eighty degrees, and Jason couldn’t get any rest.  So, we un-popped the camper and headed on down the road.

We saw lightening in the distance, but Catrina was sound asleep before we were sprinkled on.  We stopped at a Wal-mart in Childress, TX for the evening.  The parking lot was packed full of semis.  We had averaged 16.4 miles per gallon for our first day. The temperature had dropped down to 74 degrees, and a good rest was had by all. 

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